Saturday, August 24, 2013

Grand theft auto 5

Sunset/rise Over the new
beautiful land of grand theft auto 5
More screen shots here:



Here GTA5Videos showcases some new gameplay screenshots for Grand theft auto 5


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Call of duty black ops 2 tip #2

Completing challenges.

Constantly look in your barracks and browse through your challenges, try to complete as many challenges as you possibly can.
You will get Xp a lot faster than if you were to randomly complete them without focusing on the objective.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Grand theft auto 5 online - 700 missions

Rockstar has released information confirming that around 700 missions will be available to the players of Grand theft auto online.
Take some time to absorb this.
There are around 95 main story missions on grand theft auto 4, that’s not including side missions and it will take around 30 hours to complete.
Now imagine how many hours it is going to take you to finish all of these missions, most are side missions, but are still sure to fill up ALL of your time.
Leslie Benzies says that, “I think there are about 700 missions at this time. We hope you have 500 always available, and are renewed continuously. You can also go to the Rockstar Social Club and get off more missions. So you can connect and download any play missions to populate your world online, both from friends and from other users.”

Skyrim Sociopathy

The world of Skyrim is usually full of interesting characters, ranging from deranged old men to savage orcs waiting to ambush travelers on the roads, and the most weirdest of them all.... Well, It’s you.
Admit it, you did feel something for lydia, the depressing companion that every body loves to listen to.
You have probably even stripped the body of your fallen enemy just to place them in compromising positions.
And of course we have all killed an innocent person for the pure fun of it.
Why do we do this on Skyrim?
Why do we act like complete sociopaths?
Who knows, but we just love to do it.

This person here is an amazing shot with his bow, straight into the throat, most likely helping dislodge some stuck food from his now severed esophagus.... Oh, and he also took the time to drag his body onto hot coals and shoot him in both knees.

Here we have another victim, stripped of his clothes and dumped in the hot coals of a blacksmiths forge.
Who knows how this man was murdered, but it looks to me like he was desperate for a barbeque.

And the best for last, this man has found it completely necessary to perform a cavity search on a cold dead vampire corpse, because hey, why not. Who knows what he could find in there.

After running through the evidence (and don’t lie to yourself) I think it is safe to assume that almost every Skyrim player is an in-game sociopath,
The sadistic things we put these poor digital programs through is absolutely fun and entertaining.

A very special thanks to Areskilla Zima for giving me permission to use these photos.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Call of duty black ops 2 tip #1

Play a game type that you are amazing at. 

Playing a game type that you have the most fun in and get a decent amount of Xp in will keep you interested in call of duty a lot longer then playing game types that bore you to death, literally.
Players who are bored while playing an intense game such as call of duty black ops 2 have a higher chance of dying as they are not as immersed in the game as they could be.

There is no point in playing a game you die lots in.
For example if you are an experienced player that doesn't die often, then search and destroy is your best option because you will get 600 points for a kill,
That is 500 points for the medal and 100 for killing them, and hopefully you wont be put with noobs in your games.
If you are a player who dies a lot in call of duty then team death match and domination will probably be your best option, they are the easiest game type and each game fly’s by really fast, you will gain 100 points per kill in team death match.

Remember ! Games are played to have fun!!
Not to be stressed and angry !

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lee Sin - League of Legends

Lee Sin
The Blind Monk

As a young teen, Lee sins skills proved far superior to those of his pairs at the Arcanum Majoris.
Lee sin being to impatient rushed ahead and attempted to test his ability by summoning a beast from the plague jungles, what he summoned instead was a young boy, not even in one piece.
Later investigation revealed that the boy’s entire village was obliterated by feed back from the ritual.

Lee sin could not forgive him self, years later he set himself ablaze, completely burning his eyes from their sockets.
He joined the league of legends to continue his atonement with sweat and blood, a true monks only possessions.

Main Role

Lee sins main role is a fighter, strong with attack damage.
His second role is an assassin, able to charge towards enemies from the brush and slow them as they attempt to escape.
Lee Sin is best played in bottom, top and jungle. Ganking with Lee Sin can be VERY effective.



Lee sin is a champion who can easily escape pursuing enemies in the jungle or even in lane.
After firing Lee Sins Q at an enemy Creep or Champion it can be activated again in the next 3 seconds, sending you dashing towards the target, easily allowing you to dash over walls using minions or the double golems Ect..
Lee sins W can also be used to dash towards an ally, shielding you both in the process.
