Monday, August 19, 2013

Call of duty black ops 2 tip #1

Play a game type that you are amazing at. 

Playing a game type that you have the most fun in and get a decent amount of Xp in will keep you interested in call of duty a lot longer then playing game types that bore you to death, literally.
Players who are bored while playing an intense game such as call of duty black ops 2 have a higher chance of dying as they are not as immersed in the game as they could be.

There is no point in playing a game you die lots in.
For example if you are an experienced player that doesn't die often, then search and destroy is your best option because you will get 600 points for a kill,
That is 500 points for the medal and 100 for killing them, and hopefully you wont be put with noobs in your games.
If you are a player who dies a lot in call of duty then team death match and domination will probably be your best option, they are the easiest game type and each game fly’s by really fast, you will gain 100 points per kill in team death match.

Remember ! Games are played to have fun!!
Not to be stressed and angry !


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